Grootebeek British Cemetery ligt aan de "
Er bevinden zich 111 graven, waarvan 98(UK), 7(Ind), 1(NZ),
1(SA), 2(Unk) en 2(UK 40-45) op dit cemetery.
"Who wasburied at the time in Vlamerthinge Churchyard
but whose Grave was destroyed in later Battles.
A Place is Vacant in our Home that never can be filled."
(Inschrift grafsteen Private J.Lynn)
Private John Lynn
Service No: 1272
Date of Death: 2 mei 1915 (age 27)
Regiment/Service: Lancashire Fusiliers
2nd Bn.
Awards: V C - D C M
Additional Information:
Cross of the Order of St. George, 4th Class (Russia). Foster son of Mrs. E. Harrison, of 20, Hindsley Place, Forest Hill, London.
"An extract from the "London Gazette," dated 29th June, 1915, records the following:-"For most conspicuous bravery near Ypres on 2nd May 1915. When the Germans were advancing behind their wave of asphyxiating gas, Pte. Lynn, although almost overcome by the deadly fumes, handled his machine gun with very great effect against the enemy, and when he could not see them he moved his gun higher up on the parapet, which enabled him to bring even more effective fire to bear, and eventually checked any further advance. The great courage displayed by this soldier had a fine effect on his comrades in the very trying circumstances. He died from the effects of gas poisoning."
(Bron CWGC)
Private J.Lynn
Lancashire Fusiliers
2nd May 1915
Serjeant E. Perkins
Service No: 33429
Date of Death: 25 april 1918
Regiment/Service: Royal Field Artillery
"D" Bty. 50th Bde.
Awards: D C M
Additional Information:
Husband of Mrs. G. F. Buttress (formerly Perkins), of 103, Nottingham St., Pittsmoor, Sheffield.
Serjeant E.Perkins
Royal Field Artillery
25th April 1918
Indian Plot
Havildar Ali Haidar
Service No: 2271
Date of Death: 25 april 1918
Regiment/Service: 52nd Sikhs (Frontier Force)
Additional Information:
Son of Nek Bakht, of Mattor, Kahnta, Rawalpindi, Punjab, India.
Havildar Ali Haidar
52nd Sikhs F.F.
29th April 1915
Sepoy Munsafdar
Service No: 290
Date of Death: 27 april 1915
Regiment/Service: 84th Punjabis
attd. 129th Duke of Connaught's Own Baluchis
Additional Information:
Son of Mirzo, of Ara, Rawalpindi, Punjab, India.
Sepoy Munsafdar
84th Punjabis
27th April 1915